
El cuarto poder, en manos del único poder.

El poder utiliza los medios de información de masas como mecanismos de propaganda y control, ofreciendo a la vez una imagen de estos de independencia para hacer creíble la información que ofrecen.

El vídeo ofrece una buena explicación de como se controla y manipula la información de los grandes medios.

Vídeo: Noam Chomsky - The 5 Filters of the Mass Media Machine

4 comentarios:

  1. Saludos,

    Incluso antes del libro del "aceptado" Chomsky (amigo de Bono de U2 y otros aceptadores), salió otro libro explicando lo mismo pero con un autor menos "aceptado":

    As mentioned earlier, Herman and Chomsky’s Manufacturing Consent was the second comprehensive look at how the media’s owners determine what is broadcast.

    As early as 1845, Karl Marx explained that “the ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.e. the class which is the ruling material force of society, is at the same time its ruling intellectual force.

    The class which has the means of material production at its disposal, has control at the same time over the means of mental production, so that thereby, generally speaking, the ideas of those who lack the means of mental production are subject to it.”

    Though there are many books probing the nature of broadcast media, Michael Parenti’s Inventing Reality (1986) was the first to provide an in-depth analysis of the corporate nature of the media using Marx’s dictum as a thesis.

    Despite Herman and Chomsky’s book coming two years later, the two don’t mention Parenti at all, instead thanking Australian psychologist Alex Carey for inspiring their work (John Pilger, perhaps revealingly, credits Carey as a “second Orwell”).

    Even a cursory glance at Inventing Reality’s contents reveals extensive similarities between Parenti’s analysis and that of Herman and Chomsky—hearing Parenti discuss his book at length further cements the commonalities.

    In fact, beyond these two works, Chomsky and Parenti share a great deal alike. Like his superstar counterpart, Parenti has produced mountains of scholarship and given dozens of easily accessible speeches and presentations.

    Parenti has been a strident critic of capitalism and imperialism for decades, writing over two dozen books on nearly every conceivable issue that relates to those subjects.

    In a neat biographical synchronicity, both are even octogenarian New Yorkers. However, unlike Chomsky, Parenti can’t claim everyone from Bono to Radiohead as prominent fans.

    Chomsky’s influence is particularly felt now during the interminable American election cycle; as Kevin Dooley points out in an excellent post on Chomsky, he “is always at his most visible during election season,” when he can be found churning out almost-weekly interviews warning about the dangers of not voting Democrat.

    Video of Noam Chomsky’s latest event was uploaded less than a week ago, from a discussion with former Greek finance minister Yanis Varoufakis held at the New York Public Library; in contrast, Parenti’s last uploaded speech was from a decidedly more low-key affair held at a Canadian university in 2014.


    1. Bueno, Chomsky no está libre de sospecha, está claro que tiene apoyos y eso hace entender que algunas ideas que promueve interesan a quienes lo promocionan, vamos que lo podríamos explicar con el mismo vídeo. Pero en lo que tiene razón, hay que dársela. ;)

  2. Una persona o grupo de personas que vivieran totalmente aisladas de la "información" (aún quedan algunas en la amazonia) estarían mejor informadas, respecto a lo que de verdad les atañe, que el resto de la población cotidianamente distraída hacia asuntos que en realidad no le atañen y sobre los cuales no puede incidir. Una de los fines de la mega-información es crear impotencia y frustración entre los "informados" que, generalmente, no disponen de los recursos cognitivos, ni del tiempo necesarios para procesar críticamente la masiva propaganda con que son bombardeados. La información existe, pero cada vez es más raro y difícil hallarla en los medios de comunicación propios del sistema.


    1. Pues totalmente de acuerdo. Hay que coger con pinzas una pequeña parte de la información que nos llega, analizarla, buscar fuentes, compararla y reflexionar, para entender algo sobre lo que esta nos dice y eso es imposible con la cantidad de información que nos llega, siendo además en su mayor parte intrascendente.

